Donations from beekeepers and other parties help us do what we do. Follow the link below if you'd like to make a donation to our program. There are three different ways that you can help support us.
Apiculture Science Fund
Proceeds in this fund help support the ongoing and future projects within the program, both in our research and extension missions. These moneys are particularly helpful to support student research projects that help invest in the next generation of apiculture research.
Apiculture Research & Extension Facility Fund
Moneys in this fund help to support the physical building on our Lake Wheeler Research Farm complex. Additional infrastructural costs include new incubators, field equipment, even replacement beehives.
Endowed Professorship in Apiculture Fund
This fund supports the current and future personnel in the program by providing recurring operational funds. More importantly, it ensures the continuation of the program and the NC State Apiculturist faculty position in perpetuity.
Check Donations
Please make check payable to NC Agriculture Foundation including a filled-out letter (see below) in order to ensure that it will be received as a “miscellaneous gift and donation."
Please send the check to the following address:
Dr. David R. Tarpy
Campus Box 7617
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7617